A labor union needed a database to record and audit financial transactions within their work recovery program.
The union wanted the ability to monitor account balances, report on program results,
and to perform regular or ad hoc external audits to ensure integrity of the program.
- MS Access interface to a SQL Server database
- Program Manager enters receipt and disbursement transactions through the access database interface
- The system automatically journals receipts and disbursement; accounts are balanced for each transaction
- The system maintains strict control over authorized disbursements
- Auditing features ensure accuracy of, and accountability for, all entries
- Financial data is securely stored in SQL Server
- Internal security code restrict Users' ability to see data in the Access interface to their role
- The Access/SQL server application gives the union secure, real-time control over the status of accounts in the program,
provides detailed reporting on receipts and disbursements,
and enables the ability to create management reports and audits at any time
Call us now to discuss how we can support your needs (206) 905-4612
A contruction and facilities services organization needed an Excel-based, automated estimating tool for their estimators
- The client maintains an electronic library of equipment, rates, services and service plans on their network
- The automated Excel workbook automatically connects to the central library
- The tool automatically updates equipment lists, services and rates from the master library each time an estimator opens it.
The tool retrieves up-to-date information prior to starting each new estimate.
- Estimators finalize and get approval from management via electronic transmittals from within the tool
- Estimators produce a print-ready estimate package in PDF format for delivery to prospects when estimate is finalized
- Estimators now concentrate on gathering and validating information from clients to use in an estimate,
rather than looking up equipment, service and rate information from various sources. Estimators can transmit
completed estimates to management for approval at the click of a button in the tool
Call us now to discuss how our skills and technologies can help you (206) 905-4612
A chain of industrial rehabilitiation clinics needed a database to provide better operations information to manage their clinics
- MS Access interface connected to SQL Server database; Excel Automation to create Performance Dashboard and Charts
- Clinic staff enters daily performance metrics into the Access interface
- Windows and Office automation create performance metrics charts and summaries in an Executive dashboard using Excel Automation.
Executive dashboards are emailed to Clinic managers on a schedule determined by management
Results: Executive Management and Clinic Managers automatically receive current graphs displaying accurate, timely metrics
along with supporting summary and detail data in one document.
Call us now to discuss how our skills and technologies can help you (206) 905-4612
A law firm needed to consolidate and upgrade multiple client databases on SQL Server into a central,
company-wide database with a single Access interface for all employees.
Additional reports were needed to provide better case history information to management.
- A consolidated MS Access interface connected to a merged SQL Server database
- Paralegals maintain client and case histories via the Access interface
- Paralegals produce Management and Case Reports for attorneys as required
- Paralegals monitor their caseloads using a number of summary and detail reports
- Para-legals and attorneys have a single point of data entry and a single source of current information for managing clients and cases
- Para-legals can create summary and detail case history and case status reports for attorneys at the push of a button
Call us now to discuss how our technologies can help you (206) 905-4612
A sports equipment testing lab at a major university needed a
more efficient, reliable database to store test results and also to make them available to clients and to the public on the internet
- MS Access interface linked to both local and remote SQL Server databases; an ASP.Net web site;
Excel Automation to create Performance Dashboard and Charts
- Clients log into their accounts in the Lab's web site to submit requests for equipment testing, and ship equipment to the lab for testing
- Technicians log tested equipment into the lab's inventory through the local Access interface
- Technicians conduct tests and upload test results into the local SQL Server database trhough the Access interface
- Technicians export test results to the SQL Server database for the web site for consumption by clients
- The web site display aummary results for tested equipment to the public
- Technicians use Excel automation to create custom reports for clients for each piece of tested equipment
- The system automatically converts Excel reports to PDF format to be emailed to clients
- Lab staff uses Excel automation to generate periodic billing reports for clients
- Customers have immediate, real-time access to test results for their equipment on the web site as soon as it is completed.
- Technicians manage all aspects of testing and reporting from one MS Access database.
- Lab Managers have immediate, real-time operations information from the MS Access database.
Call us now to learn how our skills and technologies can help you (206) 905-4612
How do we meet your needs?
Our software development process revolves around your business. We strive to meet the following goals:
Understand your business rules and your database goals
Determine and respect your data priorities and budget
Advise on data technologies that will have a business impact on your ROI
Design and create Custom Databases, automate bids and estimates, produce legal forms, purchase orders and
reports to reduce tedious data entry and paperwork.
- Provide Data Integration and Data Cleanup
- Create a workplan and schedule review meetings
- Develop, troubleshoot and test the solution with users
- Install the program and provide future support
Call us now to discuss how our skills and technologies can help you (206) 905-4612
What Technologies Do We Use ?
We use Microsoft technologies to build custom spreadsheet, database and web applications that include:
- MS Word Automation
- MS Excel Automation
- Access Database
- Access Web Services on SharePoint
- SQL Server
Data Integration
- Quickbooks
- VBA and VB
- Dotnetnuke
Call us now to discuss how our skills and technologies can help you (206) 905-4612